Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nick Punto Finds Hitting With Conventional Wood Bat Too Easy, Opts For "Mario Super Sluggers" Style DK Boxing Glove Instead.

Finally growing bored to his utter dominance at the bat, Future Hall-of-Famer Nick Punto opted to jazz thing up a bit and make hitting more of a challenge.  Yesterday, instead of coming to bat with the conventional wooden bat, Punto instead brought to the plate a massive boxing glove, reminicent of the one used by Donkey Kong in "Mario Super Sluggers".  During his first at-bat with the glove, Punto took huge windups before each pitch, taking massive swing/punches at each offering, spinning around several times and falling on his rear after each whiff.  After three straight three pitch strikeouts, Punto was eventually pitched a strike, which he punched 450 feet off the batter's eye in dead center.  Rounding the bases, Punto was reported to have been mumbling to himself that it was, "too easy," and after the game was found perusing e-bay for a used longboard, apparantly dead-set on switching from Donkey Kong's batting style to Funky Kong's.

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