It's official...... I have a man crush on Kevin pillar
— Nick Punto (@Shredderpunto) October 20, 2015
Yeah ok that's fine, see if I care. Sure, Kevin Pillar. If that's who you've got a man crush on... Whatever, it's not like it affects me in any way. It's not like I'm going around whoring it up all over town like Kevin Pillar. But that's just a rumor, just heard that through the grapevine, might not be true, y'know not my words. Yeah, it's fine Nick, it's not like I've been here by your side supporting you for FOUR WHOLE YEARS or anything like that. It's not like I haven't been there for you, you're confidant, your rock. It's not like that cunt-face Pillar has been in the majors for a FULL YEAR less than this blog has even existed. No, it's fine. It's fine. I'm doing just fine, anyway. Gee, yesterday I got a retweet from Jason Pridie..... oh god..... JASON PRIDIE????? WHAT HAVE IT COME TO???? GODDAMNIT NICK CAN'T YOU SEE I'M NOTHING WITHOUT YOU???? PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE, I STARTED WATCHING METS GAMES THE OTHER DAY JUST BECAUSE THERE'S A CHANCE JUAN URIBE GETS IN THE GAME AND HE TURNED A COUPLE DOUBLE PLAYS WITH YOU TWO YEARS AGO GODDAMNIT FUCK KEVIN PILLAR WHO THE FUCK IS THAT FUCKING WHORE ANYWAY WHY THE FUCK;,ADSFG;LLFKL;ADFS;JDSAGJDSIOANFDSJAKZMERW GR
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I'm sorry, that got out of hand. I've...I've got some things I need to sort out right now. I think I might be take a trip to Italy, eat some food, really clear my mind.
Oops, sorry, I just hit "paste" and my email just randomly appeared completely on accident, but yeah, actually I you wanna write me back or anything that'd be great, Nick.
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